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Sade Diamond

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Choclit and Cream
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Welcome back

Mar 9th @ 2:42pm EST

I haven't been online much.. So much has happened but I'm super excited to get back online and spending some time with your guys

I'm Back

Mar 28th @ 10:27am EDT

I know I haven't been on for awhile and that's the problem. I had family situation that needed all my attention. One thing about me is that I am very loyal so nothing comes before GOD or my Family. I also work full time outside of working full time as a webcam model. I had to put school on the side for right now until I get everything in order. Even tho I have all this going on I still looking for a place to stay. Once I move and get settle in; then I will focus on saving my full tuition for a year so I want have to worry about it. Full time is one class for 5 weeks, but if I want to do the fast program its 2 classes for 5 weeks. Moving forward you guys will see me more. I will be posting my work schedule up every Sunday. I have to change my work schedule every week because I don't have a set schedule for everything that is going on. After reading this is probably like wow, but I like to be productive with my life. Sitting around watching t.v and surfing the web is not what I will like to be doing everyday. I want to get in the habit of reading at least for an hour a day. I like to read books that make you not want to put the book down.


Oct 29th @ 2:23pm EDT

I guess talking about real life situation is something that you can voice. I can write about how may day going, were I want to travel to, what new toys I'm gotten, but I not real life events. I'm not your typically webcam model. I don't do fake cum shows. I don't have a fake personality. I like to have discuss things that are happening in our world today. I thought the 1st Amendment gave us that right. I never try to push my option on to others. I just state the facts as they are giving. Some people can't handle the truth. I certain that everyone that comes; yeah sex is one part, but building a relationship is another. I understand why I treat this like I do. Say one thing, but its a totally different story..I;m not to tip toe cause everyone else don't like what I say. It shows me that what I said must have been true. All my blogs I try not to use and profanity. I also keep in mind that others will be reading what I have wrote. So I'm do what I do best make people mad at what I do and how I do it. Hahahah. Will see if this one makes it..


Oct 8th @ 2:36am EDT

I love this time of year. I enjoy snuggling under my covers. It would be better if I had you next to me. I need a warm body to keep me warm. Since I don't have you next to me then by covers will have to do. I'll just turn my heater up a little more and just think about how It feel if you was here. I understand that it can be difficult since were both far apart. At least you able to come and see me when I'm online. I enjoy talking to you when I see you coming in my room. It makes it more special when were talking through the webcam. I now can see and hear you. That smile just brighten up my day that I can't wait to log-in just to talk to you. I know you can't wait until I bring out all the exciting new things I've learn, but you understand patient is key to things that are worth waiting for. I hope when you see me again that the feeling are still the same. I know it been awhile, but you should understand that I have a life outside of being a webcam model


Sep 25th @ 2:59pm EDT

I need a vacation a real one. I really don't want to go anywhere in the United States.I think that's easy. All I would have to do is get a plane ticket or just hop in my car. I want to use my passport. I'm looking to somewhere simple or a place that would get me wanting more and more. Puerto Rico is a beautiful place. They have lovely beaches. I know the food would be fantastic. They most deferentially have music that makes you want to roll your hips. I mean really get down all sweatily. I also thought about Africa. I would love to see the pyramids. Learn about their culture. Even visit a small village. I think there is so much history in Africa that I would just keep my mind going. I feel both places are great to see. Man I just can't wait, but until then I guess I settle for something close by. My b-day is coming up in a few months and I wouldn't mind going to New York. Since I'm going back to school next semester then I need to take a vacation from all they work I been doing. You know working 60-80 hours a week can take a strain on your body. I don't eat as healthy as I should. I plan on working on that part. I don't mind eating things that taste good, but also healthy for you.


Sep 18th @ 2:22pm EDT

I figure I have things that I want to accomplish. I end up getting a job at this company, but I didn't accept it. Well now I need to work two jobs. I want to be debt free by 2015. I still have to pay for school also. I have a plan it was work here full-time and my job full-time. Well working here is not quite working out. I understand it take time, but I could be making money while I'm waiting for you guys. I'll make more money by working then sitting in front of camera and hoping to make $20. I figure if I work 4 hours I should make something well that's not the case. So I have to make smart decision. Yeah I can work here once and blue moon. Can't cont to waste time everyday to make nothing. Then you guy's really think I'm going to show tits and ass please not happening. I tried to do a goal show with a 200 goal and you guys thought I should show my tits for 40 credits that's not even half the goal. So I figure since you guys are not showing any love I want be doing any Multi, Group, or Party for at least 6 months to a year.


Sep 16th @ 11:24pm EDT

I'm starting my week off right. I have a few things I need to do. I been procrastinating to do these thing for awhile now. I need to go to Post Office, Send off Transcripts (Important), Another week to clean. I have one semester left and I haven't turn in my official transcript yet. I need to get that in so I can pick my final classes. Next semester I will be having a full load of studies. Taking 15 credits hours in going to kick me in my butt.I still have to work full-time also. I think I'm going to take all my classes on the same day. Try to get a break in between. That way I can work on my homework and study in between classes. Then work double shifts on my days off and study in at least an hour or two. I got A's and B's last semester not trying to mess this up. I also don't want to mess that up. I have to work to pay for school I refuse to take out loans. I rather struggle in the paying for school. When I finish I should be debt free with a house/condo. I'm already working on my small debt that I have and then my saving goal. Which my saving goal is super high.

Another Week

Sep 14th @ 1:36pm EDT

I'm going to work full-time next week. I been going out every day and haven't been able to get online. I also been having some difficulty with my computer. I have had this computer for about 2 to 3 years. I used it everyday so I pretty sure I have worn this one out. My other laptop also is mess up because I end up squirting on it. This time I want to get and Ipad and a laptop just for webcamming. That is only if it's going to be worth it. Then I get a desktop for school. I need a laptop so I can do different kinda of shows. I just be so tried when I get off work. I just be wanting to get online right after work, but then I call myself taking a nap but that ends up me waking up around 9am. This week I'm just going to it just to try it out. I pretty sure I'm going to be tired, but I think that I'll be okay once my body get use to it. I haven't work two jobs since 4 or 5 years ago. I understand that they recommend 8 hours of sleep for some day I can do 4 hours. I read that you able to catch up on the sleep that you mess. So when my body says sleep time, I'm going to end up sleeping all day.


Sep 11th @ 9:17am EDT

I don't mind getting online and having fun with you guys. I think some of the guys think I'm a machine. Every moment some says show tits, stand up, turn around, get naked, and by time i fill everyone request I would be tried. I'm here to make money not to fill everyone request and still not make money. I been doing this for 3 years. So i actually don't even pay it any attention. Most of the guys on this site don't know how I get down. They have no clue on how my shows are. So at first I was going to work 3 hours day shift, but I just can't. I can go out and strip and make way more money then I do online. I'm glad I have a job cause this wouldn't work. So I'm just going to get online everyday for about an hour or two until it picks up for me If it never does then I will not be coming back. It's that simple. I believe in using my time wisely. If I'm not going to average the goal I need then I can go and work another job and guarantee that I will.

Next Weekend

Sep 10th @ 1:08am EDT

This weekend that's coming up I'll be working a few shifts I think I might be working a 14 hour shift and closing. My manager said that I'm a workaholic, which is true. I just think if you want to be successful you have to work had for it. Nothing is just going to given to me so I know I work hard I can get anything I want. I do like doing things, but if you don't have any money then you can't do to much of anything. I plan on spending a few hours a day with you guys. I'm going to get my hair done. Have to make sure my hair is always together. I believe your hair can make a difference on a person. Of course I plan on doing some cleaning. I was talking to some single guys they tell me they do all there cooking for the week on Sunday. Well I don't like leftovers so that wouldn't work for me. I might prepare a meal on Sunday if I have time. I will be watching a few football games. I'm going with the Bears and Patriots. I don't do the Fantasy Football thing. I heard you can make a lot of money if you pick the right team.

Sex Toys

Sep 7th @ 9:56am EDT

I need some new toys.My Hitachi is broke. I can not squirt until I get a new one. A lot of my toys they are worn out since I use them so much. I did set a sex toy wishlist on the site. I pick a few that would last a while and that I need. I have two massage on there cause one can be for travel. I did not put in anal toys on there just cause I know I want be doing anal as much. I still have anal toys that I have never used. As of right now my count of sex toys is 15. I know what you thinking why so many. I been doing this for awhile. Every guys is different and likes different things. I have small, big, black, white, and weird shape, and much more. I also like to have options so that I want get bored playing with the same toy. I had a friend show me something new do with my glass toy. He wanted me to put it in the freezer and it so was cold but it felt so good also. At first it was way to cold but as soon as my body heat cooled it down I came every where.


Sep 6th @ 2:33pm EDT

I guess it's the time to cut back on eating out so much. I haven't cook in a few months and need to improve my skills. No one wants to be with a girl that has no cooking skills. Today I'm going to make something quick and easy. It's too hot to be in the kitchen in the first place. I have a taste for some tacos. My wrist hurts from dicing the onion, bell pepper, yellow, and orange pepper. I like to make it look pretty. I wasn't a fan of the taco shells. I guess I should have gotten the Taco Bell taco shells. I would have grab some sour cream but I figure that would be a waste of money since I only eat sour cream with certain foods. I'm thinking about starting off slow and cook twice a week. I think I have a taste for a full course meal. Spinach Artichoke Dip as a starter. Then Pasta with chicken and shrimp with Alfredo sauce. Served with a side salad. Then for desert make some Chocolate cover strawberries with alcohol and strawberry alcohol cream. Maybe have a glass of white wine since I'm have a white sauce on my entree. I do need to think about eating health also. This would be better than eating out everyday, at least I know what is going inside my food.


Sep 4th @ 9:43am EDT

I have mix feelings about music. I like all music from Classic Rock, R&B, Hip Hop and much more. Some of the music have a good sound to it. Real meaning not just someone saying words to a beat. I actually find myself into the people who can make e feel the words that they are saying. A lot of people say that Hip Hop is trash, but its just that new generation has a different taste. They lookiing for something that they can dance to. I think the dance they do is meant for the bedroom or someone you are seeing. Dancing is was too close and all someone has to do is slip it in. I feel if more people just let the music flow through them and not try to do 12 play on the dance floor then I wouldn't mind listen to Hip Hop. Some of the rappers are not prunciation their words and trying to rap faster and faster over a beat. You have a lot of young females thinking that dating a rapper is the shit. I guess I was never into that. Just cause someone has a lot of money doesn't mean there happy or you will be too. If you listen to someone the words you can hear them let you know they all fucked up in the head. The fast life is not for everyone, but everyone trying to live that life.


Sep 3rd @ 11:03am EDT

I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day!! My weekend was full with doing a lot of work. I end up having the holiday off which was awesome. I never get any holidays off from work. Even though I have nothing to do except to work. I guess that when I will start hanging out with guys more. I have a lot of free time since I'm not going to school this semester. Need to get another job maybe two more so I can work 3. I don't think that's a good idea. Don't want to feel exhausted everyday. Every week starting Sunday I will post my schedule up for the next following week. I'm always going to be online from 7pm-1pm est. Today I'll post up this week schedule starting today until Sunday. Today since I'm off;I"m going to take my car to get it clean. I could do it myself, but I think I should let some else keep there job. It's not that dirty but I just want it to be clean; which I realize that I would need to take it every week to keep it that way. Maybe I sign up for a monthly membership I think its about $20-$40.

Lovely Day

Aug 25th @ 11:37am EDT

It's a wonderful day today. Been working hard these few weeks, but I want to worker harder. I'm up for a challenge. Let's see I can work 3 hours a day each day for the next 6 months. The max I'll work in one day in 12 hours. Yeah that sounds realistic since I do have another job. Hope you Guy's are READY for me. Someone told me that I should work out just for my health. What you think. My opinion about that is that I see both sides to it. I agree with that person on working out is good for you health. I also understand that it is people out here that workout and eat healthy and still get ill. I actually don't like going to the gym because I'm not trying to enhance my already muscle toned body. I also understand if I do cam full-time it is important for me to get out the house more. I can not sit and watch t.v. I would have to find some activities to do. That's my thought on that. I have a few ideas I think would work best for me in my situation. I think a dance class, swimming, yoga, martial arts etc. That is my opinion about it."You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough" Mae West

It's been Awhile

Aug 20th @ 9:44am EDT

I know you guy;s are like what;'s going on with here.. I been working a whole lot and then I still have a cold. I end up catching another cold after getting rid o the other one. This one is not as bad as the other one which I'm so happy about. So I figure I'm come online at least 3 hours a day. actually enjoy hanging out with you guys. Since I'm not going to school this semester because I brought a brand new car so I can not afford to pay for all my expenses plus school I have to work almost 3 jobs for that. You guys are so funny and honest. Most guys would say this is not a job, but it is. You have to work hard when you get online. Everyone thinks you just get sexy and sit there, well it is way more to it than that. I'm going to actually work at this if I want to be a Top Model on the site. I'm always setting goals to make it way funnier. A few goals I want to set is being a Top Black Model on this site. Getting at least 20,000 favorites. Work a whole year with out taking any days off.

Miss you Guys!!

Aug 10th @ 12:50am EDT

Man I been wanting to get online so bad, but I wasn't able to. I went out of town last weekend and had a blast. I tried to do a little shopping, but all the clothes stores that I like were all gone. I was trying to find a sexy dress to wear out and I figure I would just go to Bebe or Guess. I love those two stores because they always have some really cute things for me. Then I had a gift card for Forever 21 so I was going to go there for my accessories, but since both of my stores was gone I was not feeling going another mall. I knew I had brought along something for every occasion just in case. I end up wearing this sexy blue dress with these open wedge sandal. Still looking sexy as usually. Well I guess all that partying while I was there got me under the weather. The main reason I haven't been on cam is because my voice is gone. I end up with a sinus and allergy cold. I thought be now that I would be better but I guess not. I have take everything that I can think of and I;m actually just going to let my body fight it on it own. I'll just drink water and orange juice and get plenty of rest to help but that's it. Since I wasn't feeling well I tried not to sleep cute like I normally do. he result of that was my hair was a mess. Really a mess. I couldn't believe it; that it look they way it did. I try to keep myself looking fresh all the time and my hair has to be done or I know I'm looking a mess. My stylist had me laughing cause she thought I already made an appointment for that week but I didn't. I was going to walk-in if she didn't responded back to my text, but she end up texting me back with the time. I was to excited.


Jul 20th @ 8:25pm EDT

Today been a good day. I relax most of the day. Now I'm about to get up and start washing and folding clothes. I like to try to maintain a peace of mind. I still have things that I should have done, but I'm a night owl anyways.I just need to send back my school books. Get two money orders. Clear out my car of the groceries. I decided to work about 30 hours here and spend some time with you guys, if you would like that. I'm going to try to stick to a schedule so that way we can always be with each other. My tits are so sore I don't understand why tho. I think their getting bigger which is not a bad thing. I would like to gain about 20 more pounds just cause. If I look good with just 10 more pounds then I will not gain in more weight. I have a some what busy week, but I would like to stay more active in productive things. I can't wait until we start doing so fun shows. I'm so back up of cum that it ready to come out. It;s not going to take any time for me to cum once I start.


Jul 18th @ 4:59pm EDT

I'm so exciting to come back and spend some time with you guys. A lot has been going on with me. I have been so busy with school, that's its unbelievable. This last past semester I got A"s an B's with is totally awesome.I can't wait until next semester starts. Well today is going to be my first day back online. I'm excited to have lots of fun. I'm so back up with cum that I need to release it all. I just want to soak the whole bed up with all my juices. Once I hit that peak I know I'm going to mess up my computer by squirting all over the place. I would love too get around to playing with all 13 of toys to get the ultimate pleasure. Well until the time comes for me to log-in I'm going to start cleaning. Which I seem to find myself doing everyday. I feel like I leave out of my car but since it's brand new I want to keep it that way. Yeah I have to go grocery shopping also. I might cook today. Nothing like food and sex. Nice combo. I'm thinking about a doing seafood so I can have a nice salad with it. Maybe you can come over and join me? I could be the desert all we need is ice cream, caramel, and whip cream. Yum! Then we could jump in the shower and help each other clean off. If I'm feeling a little naughty I end up taking you to that place. Tune in next time

Wet Dream

Jan 21st @ 1:28am EST

Awesome dream this morn... Im on the Beach... getting pleasure like i never before..

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